As the new Principal of Dr. J.B. Singh Memorial, I am looking forward to the challenge and excitement that such an exceptional post entails.

The school is filled with many eager teachers who are willing to give their best to fulfill the learning needs of the students. They are committed to enhancing the well being and the educational growth of the young. Our philosophy of education has always been meeting the needs of the individual child. Children acquire skills and knowledge easily if we can make the surrounding stimulating and purposeful.

In the 21st century the Digital Revolution affects us all. Quite simply, it is changing everything: a brilliant barrage of information, entertainment, companionship and education is speedily available.

In such a surrounding when work and effort is valued, the child’s self – esteem is heightened, and from this results self – motivation. We should try to understand and work with every child, and I firmly believe that it is our responsibility to enable each child in our care to develop as a whole.

Mrs. Seema Dolhe